Soul Food – Souls For Slaughter

I got my own soul. I don’t need to eat somebody else’s to feel powerful. Peoples of the world, especially Africans, claim to eat the souls of animals who eat primarily plants.  There’s a contradiction and miscalculation of what is the soul and where it resides. You can’t eat a soul. Think harder. And thenContinueContinue reading “Soul Food – Souls For Slaughter”

Weaning From Animal Products

People can become addicted to almost anything, especially if it’s passive and voiceless and exploitable. Thanks Pat, for recognizing animal-eating as an addiction. You’re a bit smarter than I thought (not that I was analyzing your INTELLIGENCE STATUS). Raise to slaughter is PREMEDITATED murder. Drinking alcohol isn’t. Humans with animal transplants or even other humanContinueContinue reading “Weaning From Animal Products”

Cooking Body Parts – CIA

At the Culinary Institute of Art people wanting to be chefs master the art of dismemberment. Nobody does it better nor knows more about it via human/animal experimentation than the CIA. ~ Sharon Lee Davies-Tight NEW POSTS COME TO YOU!

Indigenous People Are Like The Weather

Indigenous People Are Like The Weather Indigenous peoples didn’t evolve as quickly or to the same extent as other peoples, because they stayed separate, thus couldn’t learn from each other outside their location by copycatting and sharing. Indigenous peoples are the most discriminatory peoples on the planet. They stayed stuck and preferred to inbreed ratherContinueContinue reading “Indigenous People Are Like The Weather”

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