Promises Made For Keeping

God grant me the strength to fight through argument those who terrorize me and others, no matter who they be. God grant me discipline in my everyday life, so that every day I may accomplish a new task that requires that discipline. God grant me courage to fight oppression, bombs and prejudice with the fireContinueContinue reading “Promises Made For Keeping”

Be Ready. Stay Steady. Slaughter Industries Are Passe.

send to beef magazine: I know you know that half barn and half garden won’t last – it won’t be enough change, precisely because that’s the  status quo – only using different words to describe it. There’s no change there. The government, no matter how many politicians are bought, is going ahead with the planContinueContinue reading “Be Ready. Stay Steady. Slaughter Industries Are Passe.”

Animal-Based to Animal-Free

The task of switching from animal-based to animal-free cuisine is not too large, nor is it insurmountable. It just appears that way – because of your muddled minds and souls. The world has changed and will continue to change quickly at junctures that appear, seemingly out of nowhere, to facilitate that change, whenever and wherever the gapContinueContinue reading “Animal-Based to Animal-Free”


An Animal-Free Farm. I see it now and I know you can too. Because you opened your mind’s eye to the sky and something let you in – to have and to hold a better place beneath your feet right here on earth. No more farm animals treated like plants. No more animals on theContinueContinue reading “THE ANIMAL-FREE FARM”


THE COW WILL TALK AND THE FISH WILL WALK. THE FISH WILL WALK AND THE COW WILL TALK. The fish walked becoming the cow who talked. Our original ancestry comes from the bodies of salty water, not from the African ape. The ape also came from the salty sea, the fish that walked and talkedContinueContinue reading “THE FISH & THE COW”


WE EAT BABIES – IT’S OUR PREFERENCE Elizabeth Taylor, once dubbed as the most beautiful woman in the world, when asked to state her favorite food, replied unborn lamb. That just proves that beauty is relative and only skin deep. What lies beneath is what really matters. She’s not alone, however, in relishing the thoughtContinueContinue reading “WE EAT BABIES”

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